As soon as I started reading Amazing Grace by
Jonathan Kozol I immediately felt so sad for these families with their living conditions and health. Up until now I never knew that it was this bad down in the South Bronx of New York. Now I know why my parents get so nervous when my brother visits his friend in the Bronx. My brother has told me before that his house that he lives in is as big as a dorm room and his parents need to work around the clock along with his friend to live at URI and be able to live off campus. Reading this article knowing that this young child see's dead bodies burning makes my stomach turn. For these children they are used to walking around their neighborhood seeing all these horrible sites. During the winter months, there are houses freezing. Only sometimes the city hands house blankets and extra sleeping bags but sometimes they run out. A father says, "You just cover up... and hope you wake up the next morning"(4). I would be so scared to fall asleep at night knowing I may or may not wake up the next morning. The place these families live in is one of the most poorest and abandoned places. When I go visit New York I stay near and around Times Square and my mom has always told me never to give a homeless person on the street anything because you do not know what could happen to you. It is different for the children living there because they are so used to this lifestyle. The little boy in the story was having a conversation with the priest and he gave a homeless man pizza. "He looks surprised by this."Why would they be mad?" he asks: "God told us, 'Share!.'""(8) This little boy has religion in his life. God told him that was the right thing to do. I don't think that his parents would of liked him to give the homeless man pizza alone but to this little boy he had done the right thing. One last thing I was completely shocked about is that this poor woman who was sick could not even go to to hospital because it was disgusting and unsanitary. "The bed is covered with blood and bandages from someone else. Flowers are scattered on the floor. Toilet's stopped with toilet paper. Bed hasn't been made"(15). It was better for her and other people to basically stay in bed and sleep all day then to go to this hospital where there was only a few doctors and low staff. I do not think I or any of us could handle this. There are so many medications out there today to get us better faster then to just lay in bed. I can not believe how bad this area of New York really is. This has opened my eyes a little more.
Questions/Comments/Point to Share
One thing I would like to bring up in class is some of these families go to church every weekend and have God in their life. I think their lifestyle is very hard and I am proud of these people for always believing in God and trusting him along their way. I think the children believe more in him because they do not know how bad their life really is compared to their parents.